Mixing Plenums Ducts

Mixing Plenums Ducts

Air Mixer is utilized in air handling units and duct work to mix or blend outside and return air streams to a uniform temperature and velocity distribution. The Air Mixer thereby prevents temperature stratification, eliminates coil freeze-ups, and provides a uniform plenum velocity for equalized filter loading and optimal coil performance. The Air Mixer is a static device, which means there are no moving parts, no adjustments to make, and maintenance required.

Plenum Mixers are a complete plenum section with the KEES patented Air Mixer sized for bolting directly to mating duct work or air handling sections.

Mixer Boxes are an air inlet plenum with inlet collars and low leakage control dampers integral with an Air Mixer section with outlet to mate directly to air handling unit section or ductwork.

Mixing Plenums Ducts

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